Friday, July 30, 2010

Parasol LP3SF Bouquet Triple Lunchpail Blown Glass Hummingbird Feeder - Seafoam Green

Parasol LP3SF Bouquet Triple Lunchpail Blown Glass Hummingbird Feeder - Seafoam Green


Product Details

Reminiscent of old-style lunch pails, Parasol's vertical Bouquet feeders will delight all as hummingbirds line up on the towers to feed. Each of the three beautiful Seafoam green bottles has its own perch and includes a red handcrafted blown glass flower feeding tube. This feeder is beautiful hanging, with the sun shining through the brightly colored green glass bottles. It comes with a hang tag with instructions and a small 's' hook, ready to hang and start attracting hummingbirds to your yard.

  • 3 Seafoam Green Hexagonal Blown Glass Bottles, each with its own perch
  • Hand-Crafted Red Flower Feeding Tubes attract Hummingbirds
  • Recycled Glass
  • Approximately 3" wide x 3" deep x 12" high
  • Approximately 3 oz capacity each bottle

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Whistler Wildlife

With such a wealth of different soils and ecological zones, it's no wonder that many animal species reside in the vast landscape of Whistler. Bears, beavers and otters to birds, squirrels and pikas, Whistler is home to a variety of living organisms and crawlers. Summer is the season especially when these animals can be identified, this article presents some of the resident animals can be seen in Whistler and give you some more information on their natural habitat.


The most famous inhabitants of the forest is the Whistler Black Bear. Bears are abundant in the region, about eight families are black bear in Whistler and Blackcomb Mountain living alone. Blacks bears are omnivorous, the diet consists mainly of vegetables, meat and insects. Only 10-15% of their diet consists of animal material, most of their food comes from herbs, nuts and berries. natural ecology Whistler offers an abundance of food for bears, blacks, and efforts are underwayProvisions increased by planting foliage friendly slopes. Black bears also nest in woodlands and shrubs than in summer and winter to sleep during the winter, the environment and Whistler, thus providing an ideal area for them.


Another famous Whistler resident wildlife is the marmot. Known living in high mountain areas of the Alps, appears much like a giant marmot as squirrels. Ironically, commonly referred to as the marmot"Whistler" because of their characteristic strong warning whistle. These creatures are extremely social and whistles to communicate with each other. Whistler is also an ideal area for organic food records, as they feed mainly on grass, berries, lichens, mosses, roots and flowers. Marmots hibernate in winter, so the best time to place them in the spring and summer!


Pikas, close relatives of rabbits, chinchillas, small animals, such asare mainly located in cold climates, such as Whistler. Pikas Rocky Mountain sides, as there are many small cracks in their shelter because these animals are herbivores take inches, and then Whistler offers a wide range of vegetable matter to eat. In contrast to the marmots and bears blacks, Pikas do not hibernate, they are based on pieces of hay harvest for the bed and hot food. The best time to locate a Pika is in autumn, when they are most active just before the winter seasonThis may be due to gather in store for the winter.

As Bird Bird Feeder Channel and may contribute to Back Into Your Wildlife Garden

bird feeders come in many shapes and designs. It can be anything from houses to the wire tube bird feeders usually fancy, but all have the same goal - to provide garden birds, a constant supply of food. It 's a hard fact that many bird species are struggling for survival in this current climate. the cold can be particularly dangerous for birds with smaller facilities, such as bluebirds and blue tits, and not to mention the devastating impactthey can provide their natural food.

Each year a survey is carried out as "The Big Birdwatch Survey. Last year, 551,881 people voluntarily sit for an hour and counted the different species of birds visiting their gardens looked. This showed that the number of starlings visiting gardens has fallen 77% over the past 30 years, and the number of common house sparrow, has declined by 64%. With their food and water during the winter months, not only are you doingYour part for wildlife, but you also win in your garden.

bird feeders are a great way to achieve this goal. The birds are shy animals and not go to a place where they feel safe. Where is the bird feeder will determine the number of birds visit. If you place where there is a shrub or a tree nearby, so the odds are high that more visitors would you put it in the middle of the lawn or patio. Remember, you can gotake them a couple of weeks before they feel safe and regularly.

Bird affective stations are ideal for the garden. The usual design of a bird is a station with weapons that come closest to the tip of the pole, so that you can hang bird feeders. The amount of available weapons vary from design to design, but the poor are, more investors and may have, the more food that can give. Some also come with trays of food and water dishes. Stations of birds alsoattractive appearance will, you will not only provide your birds with everything they need in one place, there will be a nice feature in your garden. And depending on where it can also be an important deterrent for squirrels, which are famous for stealing food were stuck.

This is a sure way to attract more wildlife to your garden. The positioning of the place where you can define all their food, but with a bird-Station offers everything you need to survive ina safe place will be guaranteed many more birds visit your garden from time to time should be.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

When you need your cockatiels, the Vet

Here are some of the most common injuries and emergencies, the necessary veterinary care for your Cockatiel.

Before Difficulty breathing

This is an emergency situation, such as respiratory problems can be life threatening in cockatiels. If your pants Cockatiel, click, shaking his tail or breathe with their mouths open, the signs are that they are fighting to breathe. Look for the conduct of their nose, or swelling around the eyes.

Keep your bird in a hot holdingsmoking room, like a bath with hot water and call your veterinarian immediately.

Second Concussion

Results of a concussion, usually from a blow to the head, and this can cause brain damage. This is usually done with cockatiels when they fly into windows or mirrors. Are stunned and seem sometimes to go into a state of shock.

Keep your bird warm and make sure it can not hurt more before you contact your veterinarian.

Third Burns

Birds that may be badly burnedgo into shock and dies. A cockatiel has red skin burned and blackened or oily feathers. Mist the area with cold water. Do not use oily or fatty substances. If the burn is large or cockatiels is in shock, contact your veterinarian for further advice.

Fourth cloacal prolapse changes

If this happens, you will see the birds' intestines, uterus, or protruding from the mouth cockatiels sewer. A veterinarian will usually be able to place the new organ.

Fifth Egg Binding

This occurs when ablocks Egg birds excretory system, or breaking it and caused an infection. Watch out for the birds, the effort to lay an egg appears, seem paralyzed, or sitting on the floor of his cage with a swollen belly shook.

Keeping warm is the hen sometimes help pass the egg. Try adding in a wet environment, and if they do not improve in an hour, leading to a veterinarian.

Sixth eye injuries or infections

See if your Cockatiel often rubs her eyes, every type ofDischarge from eyes or one eye cloudy. Let the vet handle your bird, such as uncontrolled infection can lead to blindness.

Sixth Fractures

Fractures or broken bones can lead to cockatiels to go into shock. break is often a leg for cockatiels, so beware if your bird appears to be a leg up in a strange angle or unwilling to put weight on it. The leg may become swollen as well. Contact your veterinarian for advice.

Seventh Freezing

A cockatiel can lose a leg ordue to freezing Feet. a freezing order which is usually very dry and cold and pale. Heat the infected area in hot water little by little, and ask your vet for advice.

What animals can you expect on a safari See?

Those who dream of the world like this, adventure safaris, but not so far from reality. Now more than ever, travel agents, a wide range of accommodation offer an affordable safari. If you have already decided to take this step, what you can expect to see in Safari?

Now look a few animals you encounter on your trip to Can Can.

First there is the large animals, there are a number of them and beWere held in the common giraffe, Oryx and plains zebras see, they are great and you get on them, probably hundreds of times during the trip. But you want to know in the clutches of small animals and rare.

In Africa is to meet about 300 species of birds. Some animals are also very toxic and dangerous, so be sure of great attention. Also, make sure to see if you have any shots before check out.

What is neededYou?

After the decision to go on safari, you have your opinion on what to pack, it really is. You will probably be canceled in a vehicle, so it might take a couple of things in the trunk. But when leaving the vehicle, you will find a large yield from a walk, so that only the essential package, such as drinks and cameras. Try not to pack a lot of clothes, as you probably end up ruining your trip. The reason I say this because it is with a heavy bag in the heat onlyWalk a pittance. Sometimes it is so hot that not even take too.

Depending on the safari adventure you choose, you can have a pleasant accommodation for a stay in a lodge or hotel like this. If a package Wildlife Camp can be selected. So the agent should really provide some tents.

If you order the full effect I recommend camping experience is nothing like finding your way to your campsite and thenCreating a warm fire in the air and then finally wake up and find a way to cool off a waterfall. Holidays in Africa are great for the whole family.

Making the Perfect Mix Hummingbird Feeder

Hummingbirds are great in your garden, and as the best way to attract them, will always be plants colored nectar, which produce many of the feeder can attract hummingbirds, birds, even if it is in the midst of a city. You'll be surprised how easy it is to attract the hummingbirds will, and if once they are regular visitors to your garden 's fascinating look at the beautiful birds.

Hummingbirds love a feeder containing sugar water mix forwhich is regularly filled with supplies. Like any bird, if investors a reliable source of nutritious food for the birds from there then you know, and soon return again and again. Hopefully, they will also bring some friends! It 'important to keep other animals and insects feeder, the hummingbird otherwise decide not to use it. must try one of the most important insects, continue to feed the ants, because they are attracted to sugar water.It might discourage them from groped around the adapter with a pool of water, or keep the food from the ground.

For your Hummingbird feeder mix, use four parts water to one part sugar. This makes a lot of sugar that is exactly what it was nectar from a plant. Make sure the magazine is empty, ever, so that investors are now birds of food may leave a path, and have patience. Sometimes the birds are the power immediately and other times takelonger, but eventually they almost always arrived.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bird Brain Shimmer Glass Hummingbird Feeder, Aqua

Bird Brain Shimmer Glass Hummingbird Feeder, Aqua


Product Details

Enjoy the view of hummingbirds with this beautiful glass hummingbird feeder. Hand blown with 100% recycled glass. The flowers remove for easy filling and cleaning.

  • Includes S hook for hanging
  • Holds 16 oz of nectar
  • 100% recycled glass
  • High-Quality
  • Stunning color

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