Sunday, July 11, 2010

Foods that supply the people for hummingbirds

Hummingbird was the dominant food to attract birds in the garden areas is nectar. You can buy premixed nectar, make a mix or make your own from a recipe. Whatever the use, stay away from red nectar. The dye is not necessary for attraction, and some studies suggest that the dye was harmful to the kidneys young birds'.

Hummingbird nectar is quite easy to do. Use 4 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar and pure. Cook a bit 'more than four cups of water to make steam. Then embed your cup of sugar until completely melted. Put in refrigerator to cool. If you leave it overnight, it is usually quite long. When the mixture is cool, because you have your food Hummingbird.

Pour the mixture into a hummingbird feeder, and hang in a quiet area of your garden - not as high traffic areas. If placed near a window, you will be able to observe the birds from there.

A to remember a couple of observations homemade food for the Hummingbird:

Do not boil water in a microwave oven. This leads them to come to a boil too quickly, and can cause burns or flight food.

Not to introduce hot food in a feeder. This can lead to a break and supply reductions possible, the person filling the feeder.

USE only caster sugar to the mixture. DO NOT use Sweet 'N Lo, Equal, Splenda, syrup, powdered sugar, cane sugar, or if you> Hummingbird food. The chemicals in products of others, the illness or death of a hummingbird. The brand of sugar does not care - until it is pure granulated sugar.

DO NOT make Kool-Aid for your fare. The chemicals in Kool-Aid drinking are not healthy for hummingbirds, and can result in illness or death.

Hummingbird feeder to attract birds to your garden

You can use your Hummingbird FeederThe materials you already have in your home.

You can be flexible with the materials in our instructions and use all works best for you. Hummingbird taken more attention to food at the right (see above).

Use what is best for you in the materials listed below. For example, you can draw your power supply in a solid color, add stripes, or leave it unpainted. You can choose to use an awl or a drill, and you can paint whatever you have on hand whenDo not have a plastic Krylon paint. Make sure you take care of children in this project.

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