Here are some of the most common injuries and emergencies, the necessary veterinary care for your Cockatiel.
Before Difficulty breathing
This is an emergency situation, such as respiratory problems can be life threatening in cockatiels. If your pants Cockatiel, click, shaking his tail or breathe with their mouths open, the signs are that they are fighting to breathe. Look for the conduct of their nose, or swelling around the eyes.
Keep your bird in a hot holdingsmoking room, like a bath with hot water and call your veterinarian immediately.
Second Concussion
Results of a concussion, usually from a blow to the head, and this can cause brain damage. This is usually done with cockatiels when they fly into windows or mirrors. Are stunned and seem sometimes to go into a state of shock.
Keep your bird warm and make sure it can not hurt more before you contact your veterinarian.
Third Burns
Birds that may be badly burnedgo into shock and dies. A cockatiel has red skin burned and blackened or oily feathers. Mist the area with cold water. Do not use oily or fatty substances. If the burn is large or cockatiels is in shock, contact your veterinarian for further advice.
Fourth cloacal prolapse changes
If this happens, you will see the birds' intestines, uterus, or protruding from the mouth cockatiels sewer. A veterinarian will usually be able to place the new organ.
Fifth Egg Binding
This occurs when ablocks Egg birds excretory system, or breaking it and caused an infection. Watch out for the birds, the effort to lay an egg appears, seem paralyzed, or sitting on the floor of his cage with a swollen belly shook.
Keeping warm is the hen sometimes help pass the egg. Try adding in a wet environment, and if they do not improve in an hour, leading to a veterinarian.
Sixth eye injuries or infections
See if your Cockatiel often rubs her eyes, every type ofDischarge from eyes or one eye cloudy. Let the vet handle your bird, such as uncontrolled infection can lead to blindness.
Sixth Fractures
Fractures or broken bones can lead to cockatiels to go into shock. break is often a leg for cockatiels, so beware if your bird appears to be a leg up in a strange angle or unwilling to put weight on it. The leg may become swollen as well. Contact your veterinarian for advice.
Seventh Freezing
A cockatiel can lose a leg ordue to freezing Feet. a freezing order which is usually very dry and cold and pale. Heat the infected area in hot water little by little, and ask your vet for advice.
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