Saturday, May 22, 2010

How do you spend your July 4

Although many of the delegates signed the Declaration of Independence, July 2 think many people happened on the 4th, so anyone who celebrates Independence Day, July 4 is. But beyond this myth, what are some good ways to spend that day proud? Well, there are many things that you sleep, although most people simply can not be done on one of their few days off. may, however, if you have enough energy to take you through the day, here are some things thatto do.

1) The simplest thing you can do is stay home and just rest. You can rest lazily on the couch and watch a marathon of old sitcoms or reach shows that you never had time to watch. Or you can sleep easy, until no longer bear it and have to wake up.

2) Another thing you can do is go on a picnic with his family. My family goes every year to eat to talk to all members of our family and easily and have a great time. And 'betterto stay home, right?

3) the local parade, it's off to commemorate the special day. Watch as cheerleaders, bands, jugglers and go through you, all in red, white and blue. Look for the giant balloons that are the many faces that you see above.

4) You have a party with friends. Just do something problem that has to do with American independence, and just meet and have a great time. What better way to show your pridehow to dress like Abraham Lincoln?

There are many things you can do to Independence Day, is your imagination to tie everything together and making it a success.

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