Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rainforest Birds - Swainson's Toucan

Bird name:

Swainson's toucan

Latin name:

Swainson Toucan


Minimal risk


Kingdom: Animalia

Tribe: Chordata

Class: Aves


Family: Ramphastidae

Genre: Toucan

Species: R. Swainson

General information:

The Swainson's Toucan, the English ornithologist William Swainson, is a great almost PasseriformesThe birds come from Central America and northern South America. And 'the second largest of the 37 species of toucan, only slightly smaller than the Toco Toucan. It prefers to be alone or in small groups to large flocks against.


The man is about 22 inches long and weighs about 750 g. The female is slightly smaller at around 20.5 cm and 580 g, but otherwise identical appearance of the male. The Swainson's Toucan's distinctive brightMarked bill can grow up to 8 inches long. It is usually black in appearance, but has a yellow smiling face and upper chest, with narrow red and white ribbons form a broad edge over the lower chest. Young people are more sooty black plumage, with carpet, especially in view of the pectoral border of red and yellow chest.


The feed Swainson Toucan fruit, she snatches from the branches with long beak. It will also eat insects and lizardsProtein, especially during the breeding season


These are toucans in the woods between Honduras and Costa Rica down through the north of Colombia. Are you a resident breeder in moist lowland forests, often nesting in tree cavities or old woodpecker nests.


Male Swainson toucans down 2-4 eggs per clutch, and incubate for a period of 14-15 days. After hatching, the young toucans fed by both parents and fledgethe nest after about six weeks.

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