Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hummingbird Myth-busting

Myths and misconceptions

Many old myths and fairy tales, women have developed over the hummingbirds. There are also some rather strange facts that sound like myths. Here are a number of those myths, busted or confirmed, and some interesting facts.

Hummingbird Geese migrate from horse back - Busted

Probably people could not imagine this bird to fly away from the hectic pace of energy they need to show, but in realityHummer could be a few lessons goose migration. The Hummingbird red has been known to make the stay of Alaska nearly 12,000 miles on the space of one. Adults are the first to leave the nest, with the following young again later, without adult supervision.

Hummingbirds can not walk / do not walk - HALF CONFIRMED

Actually, the legs s' hummingbirds and feet are virtually useless for anything except perches. A lobster will fly in general, to turn himself inBecause only fly very short distances without moving.

From feeder past the usual time of departure causes remain lobster and die - Busted

The impetus for migration is stronger than any power and Hummer will start when they say that the nature and instinct, that the time is ripe. In some areas of southwestern species, year round, seen, and there are indications that the species changed migration patterns and some winter Rufous southwestern United States.Surprisingly, the Hummer F. hardy and adaptable, and Missouri can survive up to 20 degrees An article in the December 2003 described the Southeast observation is confirmed for banding, Rufous Hummingbird Southeast Missouri in mid-December.

A hummingbird bill is a hollow tube - Busted

A hummingbird has two jaws, the upper half of the minor overlap. You can use the account open, but there are limits to what can be opened, about 8.3 ofCm. You can sometimes see looking through the language inside and outside - the squeegee to make food from their language. His tongue is forked at the top, has a central depression. Dilute nectar sticks to the tongue and the trough of capillary action.

Hummingbird's tongue is hollow and suck the nectar like a straw - Busted

A lobster is not empty language. Sipping nectar like a cat laps water and squeeze if the languageMouth.

Hummingbirds overwinter in the mud of the lake, instead of migration - Busted

No idea where this might come. Only Goatsuckers are known to hibernate in order. Hummingbird in a cold place can go to "freeze", lowering the body temperature and metabolism to conserve energy during the night.

Hummingbirds only feed of red flowers - Busted

The lobster is from every flower that found food to be rich in nectar.

Hummingbirds mate in flight - BUSTED

Mate Hummer while perched. What can be the pair in air is part of the complicated mating ritual.

Birds become dependent on food or die of starvation if it is empty or removed - Busted

Why do birds have wings, instinctively looking for food, visit many places during the day to find different sources. The birds are never dependent on one source and most studies have shown that birds with easy access toInvestors> use them only 20% of their daily food ration. If your feeders are empty or remove the lobster from other sources for research.

In winter, the birds' feet stick to metal poles - Busted

Birds have no sweat glands, so your feet dry on metal perches do not freeze in winter, when wet by other means.

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