Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Preparing for Hummingbird Migration - Part 2 of 2

For those of you who live in the north, in February may seem a strange time to think hummingbirds, but residents of Florida and the Gulf States know that this tiny intercontinental travelers appear when you first start it again.

go after the winter in Mexico and Central America in order when they reach our shores - very hungry, hungry, especially those who have just completed the 20-hour journey of 450 miles nonstop across the Gulf of Mexico . It goes on aBinge Eating before making the flight, increasing their body weight 25-40 percent. Usually eat 3-5 times an hour, just to maintain their weight and stay alive. By the time they arrive here they have used the surplus energy being stored and more than ready to eat again.

The first to arrive, those who spend the summer in the southern states, where the flowers which they depend for their survival are already in bloom. In the coming months willcontinue to arrive, not in waves, but one at a time. Hummingbird does not migrate en masse. Leaflets are lonely. If you look at the right time and have excellent eyes, you will see how they eat, the lower level at the stop on treetops frequently. The last one will get those who spend the summer in the northern states and Canada.

In May, the North America have returned to their homes during the summer, usually again in the same garden and Feederleft in the fall when their autumn migration. Hummingbirds who survive the first year have a precarious life of 3-4 years, so you can expect to see your old friends return year after year.

The development of civilization in urban areas has reduced feed hummingbirds reasons, it is important for those of us who have space, a garden, or hang a hummingbird feeder to hang a feeder flowers and the right in terms ofreturn.

Bees and hummingbirds nectar, take the same flowers. They return the favor pollination of flowers. The flowers of hummingbirds have preferred a sugar content of about 25%. Do not feed them from those with a sugar content of 10-15%. Most of the flowers, hummingbirds are pollinated red, pink and bright orange. For this reason, most are the bright red hummingbird feeder. When choosing a power supply, remember these points:

A '"bee feeder proofwith a red base is preferable to all others. If you can not bee feeder is to try to attract more bees to hummingbirds.

Your power supply should have a perch. Hummingbirds feed in flight, but with a wand that will save precious energy.

Your power supply should ant moat to prevent contamination of the nectar.

When nectar for your feeder, only white granulated sugar. Do not use packaged food hummingbird, cane sugar, turbinado sugar, or any "special"Sugar or honey.

Below is a list of "Hummingbird friendly flowers, plants and shrubs:

Bee Balm
Butterfly weed
Red Hot Poker


Bulbs and tubers:
Tuberous begonia

Cardinal climber
Rosary vine
Trumpet vine

Shrubs and trees:
Fuchsia Tree

Many of the plants listed above are abundant "old favorites" among gardeners. It is a timeless touch of old style to your garden as comfortable that, because it adds the hummingbirds. Plant your garden so early are in full bloom when the hummingbirds return.

Clean and check your power supplies. Clean with a solution of mild soap and rinse three times before hanging again. If exchanged, buyfact, the test bee feeder this season will last for years not just one.

OK, you are now ready for the return of hummingbirds. Now there is nothing to do but wait ... and enjoy.

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