The scent of pumpkins and spices are going to be filling the air, and the time for trick-or-treating is on it's way. You have obtained that perfect costume for your little monsters, but now that's only the beginning. Many parents think of the Halloween season as fun, while this might be true; there are so many hazards that can fall in your way if you aren't careful. For this reason, we have opted to give you a few tips on how to have a safe and happy Halloween this year.
Trick or Treat safety tips:
1. Always carry a flashlight when you walk (not run!) Everyone in your family should have a flash light or glow-stick on them. Especially since most costumes tend to be dark, and can be hard to see at night.
2. Stay on the sidewalks that have been provided for you! And make sure to obey the local traffic signals. This would mean, no children darting across busy streets for the next house!
3. Stick to the neighborhoods that you know. Chances are, close neighbors aren't going to be inclined to feed your children something that could potentially hurt them. Going to un-familiar places, can often times lead to disaster. For this reason, you should stay close to yours, grandma and grandpas, and close friends homes!
4. Don't cut across yards or driveways to get to the house, unless it is completely necessary! This can cause trips or bumps that could have been easily been avoided.
5. Make sure you wear a watch that has a light-up face; so that you can keep an eye on your time-line. Making sure to have a previously decided schedule for trick-or-treating.
6. Before you leave the house, make sure that everyone's costumes fit properly. Any costume that drags on the ground, can be potentially dangerous for your child to wear.
7. Make sure that the shoes that your child wears fit properly (yes, even if they are just for the costume). They should also be appropriate for the weather.
8. Have your children pull of their masks while walking, as they can make seeing in the dark more difficult.
9. Make sure that all prop-weapons such as swords or knives are flexible; so that they don't pose a threat when walking.
10. If there is no sidewalk available, you should walk on the left side of the street, facing traffic to keep your eyes on the cars coming toward you.
11. Wear light-reflective tape, or light colored clothing. You may even opt to tape a couple glow-sticks onto your child's costume.
12. Only approach houses that are well-lit, staying away from houses that might look shady or out-of-place.
13. Do not approach any stray or unfamiliar animals.
14. Make sure to feed your child before setting out for trick-or-treating. It will help to stave off any post-dinner hunger pangs. Which will enable you to check the candy prior to them eating it!
15. If your children are trick-or-treating alone, give them a roll of quarters so that they can call home. These children should be in their pre-teen to teenage years, so any child under this age should be accompanied by an adult.
16. Always, and I mean ALWAYS check the candy prior to your children eating any. While tampering is a rarity, it still happens. For this reason if you have children who are going out on their own, tell them the importance of investigating the treats before eating them.
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